The two reviews below are both right... I'm a proud owner of the game and it's absolutely nothing like that... I litterally tried to think this was LBP... Sorry.
The two reviews below are both right... I'm a proud owner of the game and it's absolutely nothing like that... I litterally tried to think this was LBP... Sorry.
i got a 1 :D
Maybe you could have provided a little bit more info? And maybe make the info you've got now just go a wee bit slower?
Did you expect something good to come from this? It's just another failure. Please make an actual flash next time you want to let all of NG see it.
Mario RPG was an incredible game, and this is the frosting on the cake.
Definately worth to watch.
Aside from the fact it's called "Karma", and he owns the hell out of everybody... But good animating, man. Can't wait for number three.
if ya didint know what karma meant, then you suck... wtf i worded that wrong... ok the karma part is he blows up yoshi's joint again lol
"And what's with that The Pain? He shoots f*cking bees! Nobodys scared of bees! Maybe flaming bees, but c'mon, there's f*cking bees everywhere!"
Best Metal Gear spoof ever.
I nearly piss myself watching it, it has so many funny references to MGS, nice job Ego. For the love of all NG, make a third one!!
This is by far one of the funniest MGS spoofs I've ever seen; and I've seen a lot of em. Nice job on the cartoon, you used a lot of ingame jokes which seems to make it funnier. I'd love to see a second one pop up.
Man Jim is funny. Can't wait for 6.
of course you would think jim is funny, you are him... thanks for helping me with the voices, people of newgrounds, this guy is jim, from ROTR 5, and will remain jim until he dies, or I just fire him.
Age 32, Male
Flash Spriter
Right here, man.
Joined on 12/17/06